Sunday, April 6, 2008

Another PET scan

I had to have another PET scan. So far no results. I have an appt to get the results on 4/10/08. I've kinda just stopped thinking about that for the moment because of other issues. On Wednesday I woke up and after my shower my leg was hurting really bad. So I sat down on my bed to rest, and I looked down at my leg and it was really puffy. Just to stand on it was painful. So I made an appt with a dr. My surgeon was unavailable, so I just saw someone in Intermal Medicine. I really liked her. She had an ultra sound done, and those results were pretty good. There are no blood clots in my leg. So they are thinking it is lymphedema. It's several days later, and it's still swollen. Hopefully the swelling will go down soon.
Other than that, things are ok. I can't wait to go to New Orleans! This Friday Sebastian & I are going and I'm going to hang out with some BE Addicts that I met on the cruise. I'm so excited. I know it's only for a weekend, but I haven't gotten away for so long (well, except for Napa) I can't wait to get away.

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