Thursday, February 21, 2008

Back to Work

It was nice to be able to have my surgeries & treatments & not have to worry about work. I thought I could go back part-time while I did the low-dose, but that proved to hard. But since I didn't even continue with the low-dose, I started back at work part-time, but that did not last long. They kept piling the work on me, and soon enough I was back full time. I would have loved to be home longer - and get my strength back in my leg & body. But it's my fault. I should've been more persistent on getting to the gym. I did go this week with Reanna. That was good. Right now I'm feeling it in my legs & abs. I hope to have my leg & knee stronger by summer.

I told a co-worker that I feel it more in my legs today than yesterday. She said she noticed that she would feel it two days later instead of the next day as she got "older." Wow. Thanks. Thanks for letting me know that I'm old. Because I really had thought time stood still since last year. It certainly feels that way. But obviously not. I'm getting back to reality, and I have to realize that I'm getting old.


Petra said...


I was diagnosed with melanoma this month and have found your blog reassuring. Thank you for sharing. I wish you perfect health.

God bless,

Kathy said...

Hi Linda,

I have just finished 10 weeks of Interferon since my Stage III diagnosis and surgery and like you found that that the lower dose was harder and getting worse. My Oncologist decided to stop the Interferon on Monday. Today was my first day since stopping and I feel okay. I was really sick and couldn't eat.

Take Care
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