Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 5, 2008

One year. Exactly one year ago today I found out I had melanoma. What I knew about melanoma then and what I know now is mind boggling. How this disease has gone from a mole to affecting my whole body is unknown. I did not ask for this disease. I did not invite this disease into my home. It has unwillingly taken residence in my body. My body. And it does not stop. Why is it so damn aggressive? It could've stopped long ago. But it does not give up. And neither will I. I will fight this disease with every being in my body. I will do whatever it takes. I will fight more aggressively than the melanoma itself. I gave up on the Interferon. My body could not handle it. That will not happen again. I will prove myself, and I am stronger than this disease.


Anonymous said...

I know you can do whatever you put your mind to. I have faith, besides I can't wait to see you in Indiana!! RED NECK CITY is waiting to show you what it's made of!!!!you are always on my mind, love you, your number one fan and big sister, Maria

Miss Melanoma said...

We all need to tell ourselves these things sometimes, and that's understandable. But don't ever doubt that you did the right thing for your body- you listened to what your body needed and responded. I wish that I had done what you did. You are so strong and everyone that comes to this site knows that! It's evident in every word you write. Thanks for sharing this journey with us.


Petra said...

You should totally get t-shirts with that blog entry printed on them. I'd buy one. :) Praying that you're doing okay.
